Industrial relations in the EU, the USA, Japan, and other global economies
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Workshop on industrial relations in the EU, the USA, Japan, and other global economies, 28 - 29 November 2006, Berlin, Germany
Venue: EC Representation Office in Berlin
Day 1, Day 2
Tuesday 28th November 2006
9.30 Welcome and introduction, Jorma Karppinen, European Foundation - Director
Welcoming remarks, Gerhard Sabathil, Head of European Commission Representation in Germany
Welcoming remarks, Gerhard Sabathil, Head of European Commission Representation in Germany
9.50 Overview of industrial relations trends and developments
- Chair:: Stavroula Demetriades, Coordinator Industrial Relations, European Foundation
- Europe: Roberto Pedersini, Fondazione Regionale Pietro Seveso, Italy
- Japan: Shunichi Uemura, Japan Institute of Labour Policy and Training
- USA: Sean Sweeney, Cornell School of Industrial and Labour Relations
11.30 Coffee break
12.00 Discussion
13.00 Lunch break
14.00 Discussions and questions on IR trends and developments in other global economies
- Chair: Isabel da Costa, Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi, France
- Brazil: Hélio Zylberstajn, University of São Paulo
- China: John Benson, Head, School of Management, University of South Australia
- India: C.P. Thakur, President of Industrial Relations Research Association, India
- Comments: Olga Rymkevich, Modena University, Italy
15.30 Coffee break
16.00 Panel discussion: How these developments are likely to affect the EU?
- Chair: Isabella Biletta, European Foundation - Research Manager Industrial Relations
- Comments: Wolfgang Goos, Deputy Director-General, BAVC, Member of the Governing Board of the European Foundation; Panos Konstantopoulos, Head of Secretariat, Employment and Social Affairs Committee, European Parliament; Marco Cilento, ETUC
Recent trends in Industrial Relations – the work of ILO: Ludek Rychly, International Labour Office
17.30 End of the first day
20.00 Working dinner
Wednesday 29th November 2006
Chair: Dominique Bé, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Employment & Social Affairs, European Commission
9.30 Thematic workshop “Temporary Agency Work”
- Introduction: Christian Welz, European Foundation - Research Manager Industrial Relations
- EU: Jim Arrowsmith, Industrial Relations and Organisational Behaviour Group, University of Warwick
- USA: Sean Sweeney, Cornell School of Industrial and Labour Relations
- Japan: Shunichi Uemura, Japan Institute of Labour Policy and Training
- China: John Benson, Head, School of Management, University of South Australia
- Brazil: Hélio Zylberstajn, University of São Paulo
- India: C.P. Thakur, President, Industrial Relations Research Association India
11.30 Coffee break
11.45 Comments: Annemarie Muntz, President, Euro-CIETT; Denis Pennel, Managing Director, Euro-CIETT; Fabrice Warneck, Property Services Secretary, UNI-Europa; Panos Konstantopoulos, Head of Secretariat, Employment and Social Affairs Committee, European Parliament
13.00 Lunch break
14.00 Thematic workshop “Industrial Relations in SMEs”
- Introduction: Isabella Biletta, European Foundation - Research Manager Industrial Relations
- EU: Paul Edwards, IRRU
- USA: Stuart Basefsky, Cornell School of Industrial and Labour Relations
- Japan: Shunichi Uemura, Japan Institute of Labour Policy and Training
- China: John Benson, Head, School of Management, University of South Australia
- Brazil: Hélio Zylberstajn, University of São Paulo
- India: C.P. Thakur, President, Industrial Relations Research Association India
15.45 Coffee break
16.00 Comments by Jan Dannenbring, ZDH, UEAPME
17.45 Conclusions: Stavroula Demetriades, Coordinator Industrial Relations, European Foundation
18.00 End of the meeting
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