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gives boost to world labor studies By ANNE JU Journal Staff ITHACA - Inviting better relations between two labor-oriented entities, the Cornell University Industrial and Labor Relations school and the International Institute for Labor Studies in will sign an agreement today that ensures exchange programs, resource-swapping and sabbatical study.
gives boost
to world
Journal Staff
ITHACA - Inviting better relations between two labor-oriented entities, the Cornell University Industrial and Labor Relations school and the International Institute for Labor Studies in will sign an agreement today that ensures exchange programs, resource-swapping and sabbatical study.
The Memorandum of Understanding is expected to be signed today at 4:40 p.m. in the Doherty Lounge of the ILR school. It will follow a 4 p.m. presentation, in the ILR faculty lounge, outlining the reasons for the event.
"This marks a significant recognition of the role that Central New York can play in the international arena with respect to finding a balance between company needs and those of its workers," wrote Stuart Basefsky, an information specialist in the ILR school.
The memorandum states that "like-minded institutions" ought to form partnerships to ensure good working conditions "through research, education and dissemination of best practices."
Under the agreement, the Geneva, Switzerland labor studies institute will accept one intern per semester, graduate or undergraduate, from the ILR school. The intern will assist on projects and make presentations, and preference will be given to those with experience in labor analysis.
The school and institute will also develop an academic course in Geneva to cover themes including fundamental rights at work, employment policies and social protection.
Cornell ILR faculty will be welcomed as visiting scholars at the institute. Preference will be given to those who contribute to research already happening in Geneva, but scholars who want to follow their own agendas will also be considered.
Both institutions plan to keep each other informed of upcoming conferences and seminars and encourage participation from all sides.
The memorandum today will be signed by ILR school Dean Edward Lawler and Jean-Pierre Laviec, who is the Director of the International Institute for Labor Studies at the International Labor Organization in Geneva.
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